Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Democratic Alliance and the Future of South Africa

Good morning. As a representative and leader in the Democratic Alliance, I have come here today to explain to you why the DA sees a brighter and more opportune future for South Africa. However, we need your support in order to change our country into a nation of hope and for our dream of everyone to live in peace and prosperity to become a reality. To understand our manifesto and views, one needs to understand that the DA does not place people in a position of power according to their race, name or wealth, but rather their talents and efforts. This country cannot move forward without change, and as it stands the unemployment rates and the ever increasing problems are being put aside by the current government for personal ventures such as Nkandla that is surrounded by houses without running water. But dwelling on the negatives and current failures is not our objective. I am here to vie and let you decide that we are working towards a brighter future. it is understandable that people are worried that if they do not vote for the current government that the circumstances of apartheid and a dark past will reappear, but it can be assured that the DA are working towards changing the past and aim for a country that has equal opportunities for all. Our work is evident in the Western Cape where we govern and 76% of the provincial governments budget is spent on poor communities. The Western Capes unemployment rate is the lowest in the country, 12% lower than anywhere else in SouthShow MoreRelated The Role of External Pressure in the Fight Against Apartheid and Minority Rule in South Africa1583 Words   |  7 PagesThe Role of External Pressure in the Fight Against Apartheid and Minority Rule in South Africa External pressure played a very important part in bringing about the end of the apartheid. 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