Sunday, May 17, 2020

Democracy An American Novel - 2141 Words

A work of fiction, Democracy: An American Novel, is a novel in which Henry Adams skillfully addresses many social commentaries through satire and interesting characters. This novel can simply be described as a political love story. The main character, Mrs. Madeline Lightfoot Lee, originally leads her life as a â€Å"private philanthropist, amateur philosopher, and socialite† in New York (Adams v). After her husband and child died she lost her â€Å"taste for New York society† and everything that was in it (Adams 14). Eventually she became tired of her life in New York and decided to go to Washington D.C. to see what life had to offer her. The book has many parallels to Henry Adam’s own life. For example, when Mrs. Lee moved to Washington she lived on Lafayette Square, as did Henry Adams (â€Å"Washington, D.C.†). Madeline Lee is the kind of character who loves power, and she knew exactly where to look. Aside from finding out what exactly lay at the center of democracy and government, she wanted to see â€Å"the clash of interests, the interests of forty millions of people and a whole continent, centering at Washington; guided, restrained, controlled, or unrestrained and uncontrollable, by men of ordinary mould; the tremendous forces of government, and the machinery of society at work. What she wanted was POWER† (Adams 18). She was not the only one to travel to Washington, however. Madeline’s sister, Miss. Sybil Ross, came along with her. The two would much rather describe themselves asShow MoreRelatedDemocracy An American Novel, by Henry Adams Essay956 Words   |  4 PagesIn the late 1800’s, Henry Adams wrote Democracy An American Novel, in which he portrayed Washington society through the eyes of a wealthy young widow, Mrs. Madeline Lee, who is looking for the basis of American governmental power. 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